About Floating
Floatation Therapy, aka "floating," can be both a powerful therapy and a very enjoyable (in)activity. Here is how it works:

Epsom salt
Our pools hold a solution that is about 2/3 water and 1/3 Epsom salt. This comes out to about 1300 pounds of Epsom salt! The Epsom salt adds density to the water, which in turn makes our bodies very buoyant. This buoyancy has an incredibly rejuvenating effect on the human body. While Epsom salt (Magnesium Sulfate) is used primarily in the float tank to actually make people float, Epsom salt comes with added benefits that include softening skin, relaxing muscles, and alleviating stress and pain patterns.
In addition to the standalone physical benefits of Epsom salt absorption, being suspended on a medium that is in between liquid and solid has many health benefits as well. While floating it is common to have subtle and profound physical releases from tension patterns that have taken root in our day to day earthbound bodies. Floating after a massage or chiropractic adjustment can be a very pleasant and effective combination.
Neutral Temperature
The water in the float pool is kept at skin temperature. This means you can float for hours on end without getting hot or cold, and the tactile nervous system, having nothing to report, can take a nice big break.
The float room is insulated from noise from the outside world, and light-trapped to create complete and total darkness. The combination of these elements creates an environment that is free from external stimulation. Our body responds to this environment by basically taking a gigantic mental and physical sigh of relief. No longer worried about filtering the outside world to look for potential danger, our production of stress-related hormones drop to almost nothing, our brainwaves lower in frequency to a state associated with mental relaxation and free-thinking, and there is a natural increase in the neurochemicals that correspond with joy. These effects are physiological and may linger for many days after your float.
Our facility is well ventilated and cleaned regularly. After each float session all touchable surfaces are cleaned with a bleach solution, and the entire volume of the float pool cycles through the powerful UV & micron filtration system a minimum of 3 times. By comparison the standard for public pool sanitation is a 1 x water turnover every 6 hours! All the while the float solution is inhospitable to every known pathogen from the pool and spa industry (click here for the science on that ). When leaving a float session you may note how clean and soft your body feels.
In regards to Covid, if you are comfortable in venturing out we would love to see you. If not we understand, be well and we will love to see you when you are. We will continue to maintain a very clean facility. And as before and into the future we ask you to reschedule if you are showing any signs of illness. We are not wearing masks while we work and whether you wear one or not we understand. If this makes you uncomfortable we understand and will love to see you when this passes over.
“Such an amazing experience for the mind body and soul!! I have bad anxiety and chronic pain and this made me feel completely relaxed and minimized my pain a lot during my float!! This will definitely be a big part of my health regimen from now on!!”
At the last screen when booking online feel free to let us know if you have any modifiers for your appointment. Modifiers for floating are:
Music for the whole float instead of just at the end as a wakeup. The overhead light coming on will be your only end of session cue.
Add a CBD tincture dose or double dose ( + $5 or + $8). Note double doses can be quite strong and you will most likely feel extra relaxed for a few hours. The THC content of our CBD tincture is .3% or less.
Why float?
Floating helps improve circulation, combat inflammation, and de-stress the entire body and mind. We have seen some wonderful results here at Deep with chronic and acute pain reduction, increased mobility, and much more. As floating becomes more common there are exciting new avenues of research, including fibromyalgia relief.
Coupled with counseling, floating has been found through peer reviewed science to help with addiction, pain, and trauma. While floatation therapy is not a panacea, it is a powerful addition to almost any healing focus. We also have success stories here at Deep, when floatation therapy helped where no other treatment could.
Quality of Life
EEG (electroenchephalogram) tests are very interesting representations of what is going on in the brain. Currently the Laureate Institute for Brain Research in Tulsa, OK is finding floatation therapy to be instrumental in bringing about harmonious changes in problematic brain patterns associated with pain, addiction, and anxiety. Whether subtle or acute, these patterns are to some degree common in modern society.
Decades of research on meditation has shown the beneficial effect that meditation has on the health of the brain. A Float Pool is an environment that supports deep meditation in both experienced and beginner meditation practitioners. Interestingly, brain patterns of Zen monks with 30+ years of meditation, deep in practice, have been shown to be comparable to an average person in a good float. In other words, floating regularly can be a huge benefit to YOUR life.
Improved clarity of mind, quicker reaction time, and recovery benefits of floating are well known in modern training regimens. The New England Patriots and Chicago Cubs are just two of many sporting organizations who utilize floatation therapy as part of their commitment to excellence.
“A great experience for a first time float. Equivalent to hours of meditation. Very calming for the mind and body. Highly recommended.”
Coming to Float
Here's what you need to know:
1. Floating is best on a light tummy, with no caffeine. Everyone is different, but generally we recommend a light meal 1 hour prior to floating.
2. Best to not shave or wax within 3-4 hours of floating. The 1100 pounds of epsom salts dissolved in the water can sting irritated skin. *Note - If you have any small cuts or skin irritations, it will most likely sting for the first 10-15 minutes. We have a gel packet in the float room for you to cover small skin irritations, if skin is damaged badly or still bleeding we ask that you reschedule.
3. Try not to drink a lot of fluids before coming in. Please don't de-hydrate yourself, just maybe think of it like a 90 minute car ride when you don't want to have to pull over.
4. Come as you are. You do not need a swim suit, as they are unnecessary in the private float room. We have shampoo, bodywash, conditioner, earplugs, and towels here for you. We also have a nice vanity room with a blow dryer so you can come as you are and leave ready to go out, back to work, etc.
5. Hair dye. We cannot have you float if your hair dye may bleed into the water. If you have recently dyed your hair and are not sure if it bleeds, dry your wet hair with a white towel. If none comes out on the towel you are good to float.
6. Bring loose-fitting clothing to put on after you float. Because the whole float room is set to body temperature, putting on tight fitting clothing such as yoga pants after your float can be very difficult! If you don’t have the luxury of putting on loose clothing after your float please ask us for a bath robe, which you can use to bring your clothing to another private room to get dressed in.
More questions? Check out our frequently asked questions page.
The not-so-fine print
We want you to have an amazing and safe experience at deep and request that you be aware of and agree to the following information and policies:
1. No drugs or alcohol before (or during) your float. To preserve the integrity of our facility, tobacco users must abstain from smoking for at least 2 hours before floating. We reserve the right to deny access based on our assessment of a person's smell and sobriety.
2. We have a $1,000 contamination fee for our float pools. Voluntary or involuntary release of bodily fluids, communicable or infectious diseases, oils, creams, and hair dyes in the float solution may enact the contamination fee.
3. Cancellations must be done 24 hours in advance. Failure to give proper notice when canceling an appointment or not showing up for an appointment will incur a $49 charge.
If it will be your first float, please arrive 5-10 minutes before your appointment so we can show you what you need to know.