Hello! At Deep we love our business and our lifestyle in these wonderful Black Hills. Thank you for supporting yourself and our families by utilizing what Deep has to offer.


Luke Krueger


Luke is the technical designer of Deep. His other business is our manufacturing arm, Mandala Float Systems, which creates and distributes unique float rooms like the ones we have here at Deep. He also created our Titan cold plunge. Luke’s background is in hospitality, having worked at ski & summer resorts around the world for over a decade. His current professional efforts are in design & engineering. Meanwhile he also loves hosting sessions here at Deep.

Luke’s priorities in life are his family, his businesses, and having good clean fun. Mountain biking, swimming, snowboarding, and anything else fun outdoors are his favorite passtimes.

Monica Hartnett

Founder & Massage Therapist

Monica is the aesthetic eye of Deep. She’s the reason it looks so nice in here. Also a licensed massage therapist of over 18 years, Monica brings a wonderful human touch to our facility.

Monica loves her family, her community, and being out in nature in the Black Hills & beyond.

Jacob Bohlmann

Operator & Certified Yoga Teacher

After moving through finance, hospitality, and software management fields, Jacob turned towards inner personal healing through yoga and meditation, eventually becoming a certified yoga instructor. He's here to share healing and positive energy while hosting your physical & mental wellbeing journeys at Deep Wellness center

Sharing a myriad of life priorities, passions, and hobbies with Luke and Monica, as well as six years of floating at Deep, he's right at home as part of the family here. When he's not here or at Sol Yoga Collective you'll find him out in nature beekeeping, biking, boarding, camping, hiking, swimming, or swinging away into naptime in his hammock.

Milidi Dickinsen

Licensed Massage Therapist & Certified Yoga Teacher

As a long time friend of Luke & Monica, our family was elated when Milidi trained as a massage therapist and decided to come on board at Deep. Milidi brings a strong element of wisdom & joy to Deep.

Outside of her professional life, Milidi enjoys staying active through tennis, hiking, and travel. Milidi is always looking to learn and discover something new in the world around her.